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My Treatment Approach

I love working with people who seek to move beyond symptom management and are ready for a deeper process of self-knowledge and change. You’ll likely enjoy working with me if you find meaning in creativity, stories, metaphors, and symbols as I will inevitably reference things that feel resonant to the kinds of themes we’re talking about and may invite you to make your own creations as part of our work together. I enjoy working with people who are driven for growth as well as those who are forced by life circumstances to re-evaluate the foundations of their worldview, relationships, and sense of self.

My work with cult survivors has taught me that one of the most important aspects of therapy is fostering greater autonomy and self-direction. I do not want to be your guru or your authority. Thus, I won’t tell you what’s the right way to live your life or what you should believe. I will be deeply compassionate and curious about the things that make decisions or choices hard for you and how we can co-explore those together to help you find the solution that feels right for you.

Sandtray therapy
Art therapy
Mandala art therapy

There are many aspects of life that often feel in perpetual tension with each other. The desire for growth and the desire for safety/familiarity; the desire for connection and the desire for independence; the desire for certainty and the desire for possibility. Many of these don’t have perfect or easy answers, and I am excellent at holding the tension between them while we look for the third way that transmutes or balances that tension.

My approach to therapy is both a gentle and intense process. It’s gentle in the sense that the process of change is going to be self-paced. Change will be an outgrowth of a greater sense of autonomy and choice gained from insight and integration and will feel like the “right” direction to go. It’s intense in the sense that insight can only be gained by a deep exploration of your pain and how it is influenced by and interacts with your relationships, circumstances, worldview, and sense of self. Much of this is going to involve bringing into awareness aspects of your self that you may not know or want to have. Part of my job will be to draw attention to and invite exploration of relational enactments and patterns that play out repeatedly, defenses against certain feelings, conflicted needs and goals, or the influence of the unconscious.

Since you are human, there will be universal aspects of humanity that can be helpful to know about. I may introduce information regarding the nervous system or human development that feels important. But even in that universality there is infinite individuality. No two people are exactly alike. No tools work for everyone. So the way we apply that knowledge will need to be individualized for you.

Our most important tool for this process will be the relationship that you and I build together, thus all treatment begins with developing a connection and foundation of trust as well as a shared understanding of what our work is geared towards.

While this process can be painful and uncomfortable at times, it can also be exciting and energizing. Most importantly, it will all be in service to facilitating a process where you can grow more fully into your self and develop a greater sense of vibrancy and wholeness. If you’re looking for the kind of exploration and growth I’m describing, I’d love to discuss whether I’m the right person to help you pursue that change. 

Individual sessions are $150. I am primarily private pay and do not accept any commercial insurances. If you have out-of-network benefits, I’m happy to provide receipts or superbills that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement. I reserve a handful of slots for sliding scale or individuals on Medicaid.

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